Unfortunately, taking care of curly hair can be really challenging at times. It is amazing but really unusual products can help you deal with this problem. For example, in order to make the locks heavier, you need to apply a wet scented soap. Another thing you can use is lip balm that works just like hair wax and helps to deal with hair that is hard to comb. If you have more time and you want a more complex solution to the problem, you can make a gelatin mask that can laminate your hair.
You will need:
1. gelatin powder
2.hair balm
3.mineral water
4.egg yolk
Mix 1 tbsp of gelatin powder in 3 tbsp of water (you can use mineral water to achieve better results.) Make sure all the gelatin is dissolved (the mixture might need some heating) and add just a bit of hair balm. To make the hair stronger, you can also add one egg yolk. Cool down the solution and put it on your hair, a few inches from the skin. Then, put a shower cap on and cover your hair with a towel for 40 minutes. This mask will make your hair shiny and smooth.
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